Definition of Shower curtain

1. Noun. A curtain that keeps water from splashing out of the shower area.

Generic synonyms: Curtain, Drape, Drapery, Mantle, Pall
Group relationships: Shower Bath, Shower Stall

Definition of Shower curtain

1. Noun. A waterproof curtain which hangs by the shower, to prevent water splashing from the shower. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shower Curtain

showed off
showed up
shower bath
shower cap
shower caps
shower curtain
shower curtains
shower down
shower gel
shower gels
shower head
shower heads
shower room
shower stall

Literary usage of Shower curtain

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Surviving Twilight by Shane A. Bernskoetter (2005)
"When my wife moved into our condo with me she put up some sultry red shower curtain and took down my juvenile fish and bubbles shower curtain. ..."

2. The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe (1888)
"plastic shower curtain was suffocating. When he closed his eyes he had the feeling he was keeling over. From time to time he had to hold on to the shower ..."

3. No Minor Matter: Children in Maryland's Jails by Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch (Organization), Michael Bochenek (1999)
"... shower was in a vile state, its moldy, torn shower curtain dangling from several hooks. The concrete around the faucets had crumbled away, exposing the ..."

4. Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling by James A. Bostrom (1994)
"Roll-in showers are best made deeper than 30 inches to provide enough room for the wheelchair, the shower curtain and for elbow room while showering. ..."

5. Modern Plumbing Illustrated: A Comprehensive and Thoroughly Practical Work by Robert Macy Starbuck (1922)
"... provided with a porcelain or porcelain- lined receptor resting on the floor, and nickel-plated combination needle and shower bath, with shower curtain. ..."

6. Modern Plumbing Illustrated: A Comprehensive and Thoroughly Practical Work by Robert Macy Starbuck (1915)
"... receptor resting on the floor, and nickel-plated combination needle and shower bath, with shower curtain. The bidet is not in common use, ..."

7. Modern Plumbing Illustrated: A Comprehensive and Thoroughly Practical Work by Robert Macy Starbuck (1907)
"... provided with a porcelain or porcelain- lined receptor resting on the floor, and nickel-plated combination needle and shower bath, with shower curtain. ..."

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